Write my bibliography
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Contention - Essay Example As per US constitution, each resident regardless of their age, sexual orientation, race, culture, and so forth has the privilege to live. Nobody is permitted to end the life of the other individual. Along these lines, it is illicit for any individual independent of the calling to choose whether the other individual will live or not. With the current focusing on condition, sanctioning the training will build the quantity of killing cases. At the point when patients are experiencing extreme agony and enduring, they are probably going to settle on wrong choices which are deplorable. Hence, helped self destruction is deceptive in light of the fact that it gives an individual who is of unsound psyche a chance to settle on basic choices on their help. Subsequently, the training ought to be legitimized. Permitting helped self destruction in our medical clinics will prompt an expansion in the instances of carelessness. At present, the quantity of carelessness cases in our wellbeing offices is disturbing. Along these lines, permitting doctors to end the life of individuals experiencing fatal maladies will diminish the responsibility levels. The wellbeing suppliers will get a break course on the off chance that they commit errors that could have in any case been kept away from. As per our strict convictions, just God has the ability to end the life of an individual. Thusly, helped self destruction isn't moral since it furnishes an individual with the option to execute. What's more, such laws will even make patients who are not experiencing fatal illnesses to want to experience intentional killing as opposed to battling the ailment as far as possible. As a rule, the wellbeing suppliers have been confronted with situations on either to spare one individual particularly during conceiving an offspring. Notwithstanding, a few cases winds up being fruitful with the two lives having been spared. In any case, if killing is authorized, wellbeing suppliers won't check out to illuminate such difficulties. This will prompt expanded passings that could have in any case been stayed away from. Numerous individuals in the general public dread torment. With the quantity of individuals experiencing
Friday, August 21, 2020
Betrayal in the City Essay
Sell out in the city novel outline FRANCIS IMBUGA was brought into the world 1947 in Wenyange town in western Kenya. He is a prestigious Kenyan writer, on-screen character and maker. Selling out in the City is a political play. The author looks at the issues of autonomy and opportunity in post-frontier states in Africa. The play discusses military systems that were normal on the African mainland after autonomy. A large number of such systems were later ousted by upset de tats. Francis Imbuga’s significant concern is disloyalty at two levels, both at an individual and government level. Selling out in the City shows a rot in ethics, avarice for power, material possessiveness and childishness. Doga and Nina regret as they grieve their dead child, Adika. The old couple wishes to play out a custom for their dead child. This exertion is hampered by express bearings from the administration brought by Mulili and Jere guaranteeing that custom ought not go on in light of a legitimate concern for harmony; however Doga and Nina are resolute. Their solitary residual child, Jusper, is detained. This gives us what's going on in Kafira †the defilement, unfairness and persecution of the individuals. Pundits of the administration are not endured. Jere and Mosese are from now on put into jail over bogus allegations. The two of them endure the agony of the government’s treachery. Jere horrendously says: â€Å"When the franticness of a whole country upsets a single psyche, it isn't sufficient to state the man is mad.†Government authorities utilize any chance to bring in cash through out of line implies. Tumbo for example announces Jusper the victor of the play composing rivalry and grants him the winner’s prize cash. 33% of the 600 pounds to back the play composing rivalry is given to Jusper and his young lady companion, Regina; and the staying 66% to set records on the right track underscoring that everything is being done in exacting certainty. In spite of this Jusper pledges to vindicate some time or another regardless of whether it implies going itâ alone since he realizes that a University understudy is certifiably not an invite individual in Kafira and is taken a gander at as an aggravation to society and a vermin. Government authorities first consider what they are going to profit before pondering on issues of state. What initially distracts their brain is what amount are they going to pick up and that the size of the potato each will get ought to be legitimately corresponding to what their director will get. Being a relative Boss allows Mulili to disdain his partners in administration. Mulili erroneously charges Kabito realizing that Boss will accept what he says since he has been made to be his eyes and ears. He is additionally preferred by Boss from numerous points of view. The semi-uneducated Mulili once in a while totally misjudges what is said to him but then takes steps to act basing on the quality of that misconception. Boss’ trust of the individuals who prompt him particularly Mulili make him give insufferable mandates to quietness those probably against his legislature including the basic old couple who were guiltless. Supervisor likewise attempts to exploit Regina strongly. Such outrages talk ominously of the Head of State. Nicodemo and Tumbo examine the situation and how individuals are being murdered: â€Å"we must choose between limited options. Like confined creatures, we move, however just inside the enclosure. It has become irresistible the longing to wipe out others†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This suggests there are not kidding outcomes of reprimanding the government’s plans. The play inside the play, Betrayal in the City, realizes the ideal change that everyone has been sitting tight for. The practice for the play proposed to engage the meeting Head of state turns into a genuine showdown showed up at easily by Jusper, Mosese, and Jere; shocking everybody.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Intellectual Property Essay - 2475 Words
Intellectual Property (Essay Sample) Content: Intellectual PropertyName:Instructor:Course:Date:Implications Of The Technical Protection Measures And Anti-Circumvention Provisions Of Sections 296; 296ZA Of The UK Copyright, Designs And Patents Act 1988, And Article 7(1) (C) Of The Software Directive, On The Traditional Balancing Force That Copyright Law Has Historically Maintained Between Copyright Owners And UsersIntellectual PropertyIntroductionIntellectual property rights have increasingly been a thing of debate considering the fact that many people are embracing technology to come up with new developments in the society. The United Kingdom has had matters to do with intellectual property as well as rights for the same. This paper looks into some of the implications on the same with reference to technical protection measures as well as anti-circumvention provisions as captured in certain sections of UKs legislation on property rights.Copyright MonopolyCopyright monopoly refers to the private ownership of a pro duct by the producer. The government protects the right of the ownership through written acts to safeguard the production of counterfeits by unauthorized owners. In order to obtain the copyright monopoly, the government requires the producer to do an original registration of the full details of the product. The produces must have a license for the product for him or her to have the property right. The effect is that whenever a counterfeit to the same product appears in the market, the producer has the right to complain and even sue the counterfeit producers. Upon primary and secondary infringement of copyright 16-21, the perpetrator is liable for a legal suit in the UK intellectual property law. The same infringement attracts termination of the product from the market. Infringement of the laws applies to the licensed products, whose owners had been conferred with the full ownership license and rights.Williamss case and the Louisiana caseThe copyright law that gives 22-16 is the Publ ication of application. It applies as a subject to section 22 and at the same time to any sanction and restrictions. This is where applications have been accorded specific periods beyond which they expire. The applicants have to file the applications within the same duration of filing to avoid cancellation of the applications. In case the application is not cancelled, the comptroller in this act publishes the application as a file.Biotechnological inventions The acts 22 section 76 provides the conditions under which a person can be considered lawful upon as an exception to the infringement of copyright privileges. The exceptions include the provision to have powers to affect the patent or application to receive patent about biotechnological invention. Other exceptions include infosic directive guaranteeing temporary rights to temporary reproduction. Finally, the directory that holds the database can possibly give out exceptional information, beyond the directives.Access ActAccess r efers to the section 118 part 1. This section is about document management copyright issues. It accepts and recognizes the fact that electronic documents can move to any destination and can be accessed through networks by anybody. It authorizes inspection of the document. It therefore provides that when documents are accessed electronically for inspection and transmission, then that is not infringement.Owner and User (S 28) The owner has the right to maintain the original copies and distribution, in situations where patent have stopped to affect the control of distribution of products. When the owner fails to pay the renewal fee for the copyright license, then the user can be given the right to distribute within a prescribed duration. This is a weak section, which ought to be strengthened to protect the user. Once the products are in the hands of the users, owner is at a risk of losing the control he or she had on the products, even after the renewal of the license and the removal o f the patents that exist. Copyright ownership appears to be in conflict with the public access, and the balance between the rights of the users and the owners. Implementation of the DirectiveThe government of the United Kingdoms implementation of the directive into a statutory tool thereby amending the countrys Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988 is sensitive and of relevance as far as the case is concerned. It removes the Governments bigger portion within the House of Commons following its extremity. It must also be noted that this is usually a very rare situation as regards the House of Lords who can reject legislationsThe government of UK had an approach for negotiating exceptions for UK through Directive. Later on the same government proposed amendment of the existing exceptions to comply with Directive. However, there was no introduction of new segments for these exceptions to allow for permission by the Directive to be constituted as part of the UK legislation. This c alled for limitation of copyright that introduced exceptional concerns for the visually impaired personsEnforcement and penaltiesThere is evident that the copyright has some infringement with respect to practices in courts. This also brings into account those who hold the rights of copyrights. This is because they are deemed as having remedies, which are at the same time integrated with potential losses or damages accruing from infringements. The same is true with alternative approaches through which profits are recovered. Thus has also been noted to have potential to cause damages and losses. However, those responsible for infringements can be limited through injunctions form any additional infringements. This implies that they can be ordered through provisions of legislation to deliver or even destroy their materials or copies of infringements to holders of the rights. In case of disobedience to orders from the court, one is bound to be punished by imprisonment of unrestricted fi nes. The individuals who intentionally bypass duplicate insurance innovation or evacuate computerized rights administration data from copyright meet expectations that are obligated as infringers.It is also significant to note that penalties held on criminals are mainly imposed for dealings operating on larger scales as well as commercial deals in which infringement copies are available. This means that offences which are more serious have attraction for more punitive sentences such as unlimited fines and imprisonments of several years. On the other hand, penalties for less serious offences attract limited fines and imprisonments of up to six months. Furthermore, penalties for crimes are also charged on devices used by large-scale and commercial dealings. This is interpreted so in that there are cases in which such dealings circumvent copy protection innovations. They may also have provision for circumvention services. In such a case, sentences may go up to imprisonment of two year s along with unlimited fines.An applicable case in this situation concerns a UK patent office which planned statutory instrument to be enacted into law in December 2002. Consultations regarding its implementation made it postpone the process of enacting it into law. This was because more analyses were required and even thereafter another proposal to enact it, it got another postponement. It later emerged that its latest version was to be changed.EffectivenessInfoSoc Directive as captured Article 6(3) has inclusion of what entails effective technological scales in which there is also clarification of how they cannot be restricted only to protection of copy materials. Following InfoSoc Directive interpretation, such measures are deemed to be co-effective provided there is control from owners of copyright. This can be through a mechanism of copy control which is meant to achieve the expected copy protection. This can also be achieved by way of accessing control or processes of copy pr otection for instance scrambling, encryption or any other work of transformation.Sanctions, Restricted Acts and RemediesOther than any forms of work generated by help of computerized programs, inclusion of new section was meant for establishment of new remedial approaches. The target of this is to encounter persons with deliberate circumventions as well as in cases of authorization of technological measures to ensure effectiveness in copy protection. The new section is associated with technological measures for effective copy protection which have been adopted for copyright operations which do not employ computer programs. It also focuses on people who get involved in acts or practices which are in breach of circumvention measures. One basis of the whole process is in knowing the act of pursuing intended objectives.According to Landau, the section, though of much relevance, does not look into purposes of examination into cryptography; anything which bypasses viable innovative measu res; unless in so doing it gives out data determined from that research; or biased impacts of the privileges of the copyright holder.Mass Produced Artistic WorksMass produced artifacts which are worked on by through industrial operations are exposed to suffering from degradation. This is linked to their terms of copyright from which creators life is over 70 year and to another 25 years accruing from Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988s provisions in section 52. There was introduction of Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill alongside the regulations of copyright, designs and patents. This is most likely to come into legislation. Enacting of section 56(2) into law will make holders of copyrights of mass produced artistic works benefit. The benefits will come by way of similar protection periods as provided for to non-... Intellectual Property Essay - 2475 Words Intellectual Property (Essay Sample) Content: Intellectual PropertyName:Instructor:Course:Date:Implications Of The Technical Protection Measures And Anti-Circumvention Provisions Of Sections 296; 296ZA Of The UK Copyright, Designs And Patents Act 1988, And Article 7(1) (C) Of The Software Directive, On The Traditional Balancing Force That Copyright Law Has Historically Maintained Between Copyright Owners And UsersIntellectual PropertyIntroductionIntellectual property rights have increasingly been a thing of debate considering the fact that many people are embracing technology to come up with new developments in the society. The United Kingdom has had matters to do with intellectual property as well as rights for the same. This paper looks into some of the implications on the same with reference to technical protection measures as well as anti-circumvention provisions as captured in certain sections of UKs legislation on property rights.Copyright MonopolyCopyright monopoly refers to the private ownership of a pro duct by the producer. The government protects the right of the ownership through written acts to safeguard the production of counterfeits by unauthorized owners. In order to obtain the copyright monopoly, the government requires the producer to do an original registration of the full details of the product. The produces must have a license for the product for him or her to have the property right. The effect is that whenever a counterfeit to the same product appears in the market, the producer has the right to complain and even sue the counterfeit producers. Upon primary and secondary infringement of copyright 16-21, the perpetrator is liable for a legal suit in the UK intellectual property law. The same infringement attracts termination of the product from the market. Infringement of the laws applies to the licensed products, whose owners had been conferred with the full ownership license and rights.Williamss case and the Louisiana caseThe copyright law that gives 22-16 is the Publ ication of application. It applies as a subject to section 22 and at the same time to any sanction and restrictions. This is where applications have been accorded specific periods beyond which they expire. The applicants have to file the applications within the same duration of filing to avoid cancellation of the applications. In case the application is not cancelled, the comptroller in this act publishes the application as a file.Biotechnological inventions The acts 22 section 76 provides the conditions under which a person can be considered lawful upon as an exception to the infringement of copyright privileges. The exceptions include the provision to have powers to affect the patent or application to receive patent about biotechnological invention. Other exceptions include infosic directive guaranteeing temporary rights to temporary reproduction. Finally, the directory that holds the database can possibly give out exceptional information, beyond the directives.Access ActAccess r efers to the section 118 part 1. This section is about document management copyright issues. It accepts and recognizes the fact that electronic documents can move to any destination and can be accessed through networks by anybody. It authorizes inspection of the document. It therefore provides that when documents are accessed electronically for inspection and transmission, then that is not infringement.Owner and User (S 28) The owner has the right to maintain the original copies and distribution, in situations where patent have stopped to affect the control of distribution of products. When the owner fails to pay the renewal fee for the copyright license, then the user can be given the right to distribute within a prescribed duration. This is a weak section, which ought to be strengthened to protect the user. Once the products are in the hands of the users, owner is at a risk of losing the control he or she had on the products, even after the renewal of the license and the removal o f the patents that exist. Copyright ownership appears to be in conflict with the public access, and the balance between the rights of the users and the owners. Implementation of the DirectiveThe government of the United Kingdoms implementation of the directive into a statutory tool thereby amending the countrys Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988 is sensitive and of relevance as far as the case is concerned. It removes the Governments bigger portion within the House of Commons following its extremity. It must also be noted that this is usually a very rare situation as regards the House of Lords who can reject legislationsThe government of UK had an approach for negotiating exceptions for UK through Directive. Later on the same government proposed amendment of the existing exceptions to comply with Directive. However, there was no introduction of new segments for these exceptions to allow for permission by the Directive to be constituted as part of the UK legislation. This c alled for limitation of copyright that introduced exceptional concerns for the visually impaired personsEnforcement and penaltiesThere is evident that the copyright has some infringement with respect to practices in courts. This also brings into account those who hold the rights of copyrights. This is because they are deemed as having remedies, which are at the same time integrated with potential losses or damages accruing from infringements. The same is true with alternative approaches through which profits are recovered. Thus has also been noted to have potential to cause damages and losses. However, those responsible for infringements can be limited through injunctions form any additional infringements. This implies that they can be ordered through provisions of legislation to deliver or even destroy their materials or copies of infringements to holders of the rights. In case of disobedience to orders from the court, one is bound to be punished by imprisonment of unrestricted fi nes. The individuals who intentionally bypass duplicate insurance innovation or evacuate computerized rights administration data from copyright meet expectations that are obligated as infringers.It is also significant to note that penalties held on criminals are mainly imposed for dealings operating on larger scales as well as commercial deals in which infringement copies are available. This means that offences which are more serious have attraction for more punitive sentences such as unlimited fines and imprisonments of several years. On the other hand, penalties for less serious offences attract limited fines and imprisonments of up to six months. Furthermore, penalties for crimes are also charged on devices used by large-scale and commercial dealings. This is interpreted so in that there are cases in which such dealings circumvent copy protection innovations. They may also have provision for circumvention services. In such a case, sentences may go up to imprisonment of two year s along with unlimited fines.An applicable case in this situation concerns a UK patent office which planned statutory instrument to be enacted into law in December 2002. Consultations regarding its implementation made it postpone the process of enacting it into law. This was because more analyses were required and even thereafter another proposal to enact it, it got another postponement. It later emerged that its latest version was to be changed.EffectivenessInfoSoc Directive as captured Article 6(3) has inclusion of what entails effective technological scales in which there is also clarification of how they cannot be restricted only to protection of copy materials. Following InfoSoc Directive interpretation, such measures are deemed to be co-effective provided there is control from owners of copyright. This can be through a mechanism of copy control which is meant to achieve the expected copy protection. This can also be achieved by way of accessing control or processes of copy pr otection for instance scrambling, encryption or any other work of transformation.Sanctions, Restricted Acts and RemediesOther than any forms of work generated by help of computerized programs, inclusion of new section was meant for establishment of new remedial approaches. The target of this is to encounter persons with deliberate circumventions as well as in cases of authorization of technological measures to ensure effectiveness in copy protection. The new section is associated with technological measures for effective copy protection which have been adopted for copyright operations which do not employ computer programs. It also focuses on people who get involved in acts or practices which are in breach of circumvention measures. One basis of the whole process is in knowing the act of pursuing intended objectives.According to Landau, the section, though of much relevance, does not look into purposes of examination into cryptography; anything which bypasses viable innovative measu res; unless in so doing it gives out data determined from that research; or biased impacts of the privileges of the copyright holder.Mass Produced Artistic WorksMass produced artifacts which are worked on by through industrial operations are exposed to suffering from degradation. This is linked to their terms of copyright from which creators life is over 70 year and to another 25 years accruing from Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988s provisions in section 52. There was introduction of Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill alongside the regulations of copyright, designs and patents. This is most likely to come into legislation. Enacting of section 56(2) into law will make holders of copyrights of mass produced artistic works benefit. The benefits will come by way of similar protection periods as provided for to non-...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Malaysian Maritime Transport and Security - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1049 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Review Level High school Did you like this example? Maritime transport and security The Malaysian act which covers this issue is has follows: 249A 249AA The littoral States of the Straits have undertaken various initiatives aimed at curbing the menace of piracy and securing the waterway from the threats of terror. These measures include: On the basis of 38 attacks in the Straits in 2005 as reported by the IMB against 62,621 ships traversing the Straits in the same year as reported by the Malaysian Marine Department. (1) (1) The implementation of MALSINDO, a coordinated patrol scheme involving the navies of Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The trilateral initiative, launched in July 2004, is a joint special task force by the littoral States to safeguard the Straits and provide effective policing along the waterway. MALSINDO is an improvement of several bilateral coordinated patrols previously conducted among the littoral States. It entails the coordination of patrols by a littoral State in its jurisdic tion and sovereignty area with other patrol partners in other areas and with the command centres in the various countries. This initiative has made naval patrols in the Straits more coordinated and structured. (2) (2) The Eyes in the Sky (EIS) initiative, a maritime air operation for surveillance over the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. This initiative is to detect and deter acts of piracy and transnational criminal activities in the Straits. The EIS initiative began in September 2005 and currently features combined maritime air patrols by the Armed Forces and maritime enforcement agencies of the littoral States and invited international participating nations. The EIS initiative is an open arrangement that may invite the participation of other countries on a voluntary basis, if deemed necessary, by the littoral States. Each EIS flight involves a Combined Mission Patrol Team on board, a Mission Commander in charge of the safe conduct of the mission and the after-flight report, a nd observers from participating nations. (3) (3) The increase in multilateral security initiatives among the littoral States, including dialogue among them via the ASEAN Regional Forum platform, and bilateral initiatives such as exercises between the Malaysian and Indonesian navies, and joint operations between their maritime enforcement agencies. ____________________ Article 249A 249AA MERCHANT SHIPPING ORDINANCE 1952 (4) (4) The increased patrols by the Marine Police of the littoral States in the Straits, which have resulted in several arrests of pirates and armed gang robberies, and the prosecution of the perpetrators. (5) (5) The increase in the capacity and scope of several security systems already in place involving sea surveillance, vessel traffic and ship reporting. In addition to these initiatives, several regional and international initiatives have been established in the South East Asian region to boost security. These include an agreement on information exchange and establishment of communication procedures, a treaty of mutual assistance in criminal matters and a regional forum framework on measures against terrorism, counter-terrorism, and transnational crime. An agency named the South East Asian Regional Centre for Counter-Terrorism has been set up, while agreements have been reached between ASEAN members and its dialogue partners such as the U.S. and EU with reference to cooperation against terrorism and cooperation in the field of security. The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) initiative also aims to enhance the security of regional waters and to enhance multilateral cooperation among countries in the region. The manner and speed in which the initiatives were implemented underline the seriousness with which the littoral States are combating piracy and transnational criminal activities in the Straits of Malacca. They also reflect the genuine commitment of the St ates to forging regional maritime security cooperation and enforcement. While it is not realistic to expect zero piracy in the huge area of the Straits, it is reasonable to attribute the recent drastic drop in piracy attacks in its waters to the intensified efforts undertaken by the littoral States. Perhaps it is too early to evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives such as the coordinated patrols and the EIS program, but it is fair to expect security in the area to improve even more once all the security measures in place are running full steam. The littoral States have spent huge amounts of resources to establish, maintain, and enhance security and navigational safety in the Straits. Given the rising financial costs of these measures to the littoral States, it is only just that international users of the Straits, who benefit from their usage of the sea-lane, chip in to share the burden of making the Straits secure. ______________________ 1-4 Merchant Shipping Act 2007 La ws provided under Malaysian Sea and Vessel Department Safe Operation of Ships, 249AC 249AO Seafarer Affairs and Port division was established by the Malaysian Naval office in order to ensure recognition of the competencies of Malaysian Seafarers by both within and outside the country in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Convention and Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952. 1. To protect the seafarers welfare and affairs 2. To ensure all ports and jetties under the supervision of the Marine Department are safe and operational at all times. Their activities include the, Management of Competencies Certification. Whereby they plan and conduct Competencies Examinations, process and issue Certificate of Competency, evaluate and reaffirm Competencies Certification and also advise on Seafarers Competencies and Standards. They also conduct the management of Maritime Training Institution Accreditation which is in charge of processing application for Maritime Training Insti tution, Audit Maritime Training Centre, verify and recognise Competencies Certification and determine safe manning of Malaysian ships. They are also in charge of the management of Seafarers where they Register and document seafarers, Monitor seafarers affairs and welfare, Co-ordinate preparation of facilities for seafarers, Secretariat to Central Mercantile Marine Fund. Lastly they are in charge of the, management of the ports where they regulate transportation of hazardous cargo and ship-to-ship activities, regulate barter trade activities at Malaysian Ports, manage and operate ports and jetties under the Marine Department and lastly regulate ports activities affairs. ____________________ Jabatan Laut Malaysia, Merchant Shipping Ordinance (marine.gov.my 2013) https://www.marine.gov.my/jlm/pi.pdf accessed 28 August 2014 Nazery Khalid Cheryl Rita Kau, International Maritime Law (mimaa.gov.my 2010) www.mima.gov.my/mima accessed 24 August 2014 Minister of Transport, Mariti me Law (mot.gov.my 2013) https://www.mot.gov.my/en/Division/Pages/Maritime.aspx accessed 24 August 2014 Marine Department of Malaysia, seafarers affairs and port laws [2012] e.g. AL Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Malaysian Maritime Transport and Security" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Personal Experience One Of The Rec Rooms - 1195 Words
Later on in the week, Shannon had called for a team meeting in one of the rec rooms throughout the base. The particular room had become one their team frequented. It’s proximity to both their dorms and the training facilities was ideal, allowing them to be readily punctual whenever a meeting scheduled. Overall, the space was fairly plain. It’s walls had been painted an ugly shade of beige and the dropped ceiling made the area feel even more claustrophobic. Crunchy, old carpet covered the concrete flooring below. One time Maggie had dared Rodney to walk around the room barefoot. The hulk hadn’t turned her down and the resulting cringe on his face as he did so was worth it. Needless to say, no one had entertained the thought since. A plastic†¦show more content†¦Maggie won by sheer luck as Rodney had scratched on the 8 Ball. Raking up the balls confidently, she’d no clue of Shannon’s skill only that she’d bested her teammates more time s than not. However, she’d let their captain break out of courtesy and she never got a turn. The man swiftly sunk every stripe in concession, leaving the other three members of his team slackjawed. The spectacle had been the first glimmer of Shannon’s capabilities and they dared not challenge him unless they were feeling lucky. Unsurprisingly, Maggie and Rodney had taken to the pool table as soon as they’d met up. Amanda, meanwhile, thumbed through another old gossip magazine. Maggie wasn’t sure why the healer was so interested in such outdated information. But she didn’t voice her thoughts. Sometimes it was best not question someone else’s personal choices. Presently, she was too focused on making her comeback to put any effort into other concerns. She’d fallen behind after scratching earlier in the game allowing Rodney to take the lead. However, Rodney also made a few mistakes which Maggie was keen to capitalize on. Each participant took their time, they were in no rush as they waited on their captain to make his appearance. When Shannon did arrive, everyone stopped what they were doing. Something about him had changed since the previous day. Maggie figured his meeting with Dupont and Fisher hadn’t gone the way he’d planned. Without a word, he laid several authorization papers onto the greenShow MoreRelatedJob As A Trail Supervisor s Assistant1578 Words  | 7 PagesResumes; Picture yourself as an employer, you have a huge stack of resumes on your desk and you’re trying to fill one position. You find most of the resumes you’ve read so far are full of information that have nothing to do with the position you’ve advertised to be filled. Is it really best to put down every little bit of experience that you’ve had in your life on a resume? How long would that resume be? 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The Recruitment and Selection of Human Resource Management
Question: Describe about organizations should spend tremendous amount of money and efforts into their recruitment and selection processes? Answer: The above mentioned topic is focusing on the recruitment and selection of Human Resource Management. With the help of recruitment an organization identifies that there is a need for employing staff and people has already started applying for that post and selection helps in the processing and choosing a better candidate for the required post (Taylor, 2006). There are certain steps which need to be go through for the recruitment and selection process. Identifying and evaluating the needed vacancy. Developing the description of the position. Developing a recruitment plan. Searching and selecting the candidate. Positioning the post and implementing the recruitment plan. Reviewing the applicants form and short listing them. Conducting Interview. Selecting the Hire. Doing the final Recruitment. Organizations do spend huge amount of money and efforts for recruiting and selecting a better candidate for their organization. In an organization when there is a vacancy for a higher post, like for the post of Vice President, Managing Director then the organization has to invest a lot of money and effort to bring the best person for the required post, who will be helping in the growth of the firm (Sawa Swift, 2013).The company can give advertisements for that post in various place like social sites, newspaper etc and also ask an consultancy firm to help them in recruiting the person for that post and for that work the organization also has to pay huge amount to the consultancy firm so that they can recruit the best person for that organization because other firms are also paying money to the consultancy for recruiting so the consultancy will recruit the best for that organization only who will be paying them the more(Brindusoiu, 2013).The organization also has to negotiate with sa lary procedure with that person who will be taking up that higher position. For recruiting, few organizations also go for their own source where they have their own contacts and also take help from their clients and for that the firm has to do a lot of effort like marketing their firm and also making huge profits to show them their growth so that when the people apply for the important positions and seeing the growth and market share of the company people will be applying and will benefit in the growth of the firm and will also benefit in his individual growth. So to recruit the best people for the firm for higher positions the firm has to spend a lot of money and effort for best results whichever way they are approaching (Savulescu, 2001). It is not necessary for the organization that for recruiting and selecting they have to spend a lot of money and effort. The firm can approach a consultancy for recruiting candidates for their company(Marzouk, Bakry El-Said, 2012).Many a times it is seen that a firm wants to launch a new product and they need a huge amount of employees for selling that product and at that time the firm asks the consultancy firm to appoint this much amount of people for a limited period a time till because the company do not need them for long and they are not entering under the pay roll of the company but they will be under the pay roll of the consultancy(Thrassou Vrontis, 2008). For employing a new people the organizations do not have to spend a lot of money. When there is a vacancy and the firm have to recruit new employee then they just release a vacancy details then concern people apply through that or consultancy firms with whom the firms are attached they contact people so that if the person is willing to apply for that position then he/she can apply in that firm. So for this type of work the organization do not have to spend much money and lot of effort for recruiting (Mankikar, 2012). According to me a company should balance them in such a way that they recruit the best people for their firm so that they help in growth of the company and take it to the next level (Ryan, Horvath Kriska, 2005). For a company as much it is important to recruit a good employee and it is equally that important to recruit a good manager or a person who will be handling the higher positions of the firm because they will be leading everyone to take the company to the new level. So a company should balance their money and effort equally so that whoever they are recruiting for their organization is giving them the best results (Chan, Lam Wong, 2014). References Brindusoiu, C. (2013). Recruitment and Selection in Services Organizations in RomaniaProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,92, 112-116. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.645 Chan, K., Lam, W., Wong, T. (2014). Knowledge Base Refinement Using Limited Amount of Efforts from ExpertsInternational Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations,4(2), 1-19 doi:10.4018/ijkbo.2014040101 Mankikar, D. (2012). A Critical Study on Recruitment and Selection With Reference to HR Consulting FirmsParipex - Indian Journal Of Research,3(3), 108-111. doi:10.15373/22501991/mar2014/38 Marzouk, M., Bakry, I., El-Said, M. (2012) Assessing design process in engineering consultancy firms using lean principles.SIMULATION,88(12), 1522-1536. doi:10.1177/0037549712459772 Ryan, A., Horvath, M., Kriska, S (2005) The Role of Recruiting Source Informativeness and Organizational Perceptions in Decisions to Apply International Journal Of Selection And Assessment 13(4), 235-249 doi:10.1111/j.1468-2389.2005.00321.x Savulescu, J. (2001). The Fiction of "Undue Inducement": Why Researchers Should Be Allowed to Pay Participants Any Amount of Money for Any Reasonable Research Project.American Journal of Bioethics1(2), 1g-3g doi:10.1162/152651601300169211 Sawa, B., Swift, S. (2013). Developing High-Performing Organizations: Keys to Recruiting, Retaining, and Developing People Who Make the Difference Leadership Manage. Eng.,13(2), 96-100. doi:10.1061/(asce)lm.1943-5630.0000218 Taylor, S. (2006). Acquaintance, meritocracy and critical realism: Researching recruitment and selection processes in smaller and growth organizations.Human Resource Management Review16 (4), 478-489. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2006.08.005 Thrassou, A., Vrontis, D. (2008) International strategic marketing of small construction consultancy firms: the case of Cypriot firmsIJESB,6(2), 296 doi:10.1504/ijesb.2008.018634
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Sharp Corporation Essay Example
Sharp Corporation Essay [emailprotected] CORPORATION: BEYOND JAPAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT . 3 . 8 TABLE OF CONTENT PROBLEM STATEMENT ANALYSIS DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES RECOMMENDATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITATIONS EXHIBITS 3 5 Sharp Corporation needs a major overhaul of its business model. Sharps previous model of make in Japan, sell overseas has been successful until recently. Currently, with the increased mobility in engineering talent and technology transfer, companies from new emerging markets such as South Korea and Taiwan are gaining the competitive advantage over Sharps outdated business model that no longer fit with he firms strategy or the business environment. Sharps previous president, Katsuhiko Machida, adhered to the principles of keeping manufacturing in Japan. 3 Following this principle had some advantages in the domestic market but had major disadvantages for fulfilling demand in the international market. Sharp is becoming popular in the international market with significant increases in foreign sales revenue (Exhibit 1). Due to the fact that all of its products were manufactured in Japan, Sharp were unable to keep up with the international demand for its product. With more than 54% accounting for nternational demand, implementing an effective supply medium to deliver its product is imperative for Sharps success2 (Exhibit 4). Some products lost as much as 10% of its value, in the shipment time duration it required to reach its target market. With Sharps products not flowing to the target market smoothly, competitors including South Korean and Taiwanese companies were gaining a competitive edge. Sharps inability to supply their product efficiently to the international market correlates to the negative effect on the domestic market as excessive company resources were being channelled elsewhere (Exhibit 2). The negative effect may also have been caused by the foreign exchange rate. With the majority of its inventory being sold abroad, Sharp now faced a new issue which was beyond its control. We will write a custom essay sample on Sharp Corporation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sharp Corporation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sharp Corporation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The foreign exchange rate was susceptible to an array of different environments and varied consistently through time (Exhibit 3). The increase in the value of the US dollar meant operating income for Sharp was relatively lower as well. This is mostly notable in year 2009, when the Japanese Yen devalued the most against the US dollar $, which aided in the operating loss of millionl . No significant financial rovisions were taken in order to mitigate foreign exchange losses by Sharp. Sharp has been continuously investing large amounts in production facilities in Japan and then exporting key devices to be assembled in foreign countries. 4 Basing most of its operation in Japan, Sharp had the disadvantages of paying higher tax rates and costly infrastructure in comparison to its competitors who based their core businesses in key strategic locations with minimum tax implications and low infrastructure costs. 6 Also, due to excessive domestic investments, Japanese plants had turned into high alue added knowledge, while overseas plant lacked any of this traits which is detrimental for any overseas expansion strategy. Using the black-box approach Sharp has been secretive about its production and was unable to reap any benefits that might be possible through effectively engaging in value chain integration to suit their needs; while its competitors were readily exchanging and integrating industry knowledge. Sharps emphasis on combining knowledge and capabilities in ways other firms could not imitate is not feasible in the age of Globalization where satellite and internet communication is readily available to everyone. The increased mobility of crucial talent and technology transfer within the industry is something Sharp had not experienced 5 10 years ago. Sharps intellectual property is limited to the core operations of the company itself. 4 Due to this, Sharp were confined to the industry knowledge within their company and had limited access to RD from different companies within their value chain. Sharp did not have a stringent plan to remain as an industry leader in its LCD division as well. Most of the competitive advantage it gained is through using its proprietary LCD technology Four Primary Colour and by increasing the sizes of the TV. Sharps business outlook in the LCD market to gain competitive advantage by increasing the sizes of the TV, is not farfetched as the company is now beginning to realise that the customers had a threshold point on the sizes of TV they wanted. The new president of Sharp Mr. Katayama had a Globalization attitude to the companys business model. Sharp is in the verge of creating a new identity for itself. It is a major player in the industry and could not operate in an also ran basis that it used to in the past. It needed new alternatives to remain on the top and gain competitive advantages over its competitors. Starting production in an international market seemed unlikely in the previous business model which followed the make in Japan, sell overseas principles. With recent losses in the companys financial statements, and worsening economic conditions it is imperative for Sharp to overcome this limitation. Starting production in major markets and developing specialized knowledge internationally would divert the focus of heavy investment in Japanese plants/infrastructure. Access to lower-cost workers, technical expertise, lower transportation costs and productions inputs are a Just a few benefits Sharp ould be able to realize with the new business model. However, there were many risks associated with expanding production to a foreign country. Thorough investigation on the feasibility of this option needs to be scrutinized accordingly. Changing operating model from vertical integration to horizontal integration for the companys production technologies and manufacturing capabilities will give it a better standing in the competitive market. Forming alliances with local companies in major markets such as China, to establish a value chain would maximize efficiency and cash flow (Exhibit 5). Up until recently Sharp has been building plants in Japan for front-end processes with their own resources5. With its knowledge centres and infrastructure located solely in Japan, Sharp could benefit from it by bolstering cutting edge production technologies/manufacturing capabilities nationally and extending its technologies gradually to global sites. Aiming to create a value chain in the consumption area/maJor markets, encompassing each step from procuring materials through manufacturing and sales; an internal company concept known as local production for local consumption, would allow Sharp to receive a return on its roprietary technologies and technology assistance fees such as initial payments, royalties, dividends and revenues from Joint ventures. This serves to reduce risks involved in foreign exchange rates and the recovery of capital expenditurtes4. Sharp has already started this initiative with its Solar Cell product division, forming alliances with Italian power company Enel SpA3. This trend n other product divisions as well. s to follow suit for its Starting a new manufacturing plant outside Japan would be capital and labour intensive. It would also expose the company to various risks such as financial, olitical, environmental, and legal risks. Alternatively, integration through value chain approach would allow Sharp to mitigate some of the risks involved compared to starting a new plant and would not require intensive capital investment. Forming value chains would allow Sharp to access the benefits from well established businesses which are already firmly integrated in the local business environment. It would also allow Sharp to access and understand potential opportunity for future markets for its products as the current markets gets saturated. Integration with arious international value chain means Sharp would adapt an International Firm Management technique in the global business environment. Up until now, Sharp had minimum production technologies/manufacturing operations internationally and operated its production plants predominantly in a national level. Despite the potential benefits of global markets, Sharp must constantly monitor the match between the firms product and new markets to not overlook the needs of the buyers. Sometimes, the benefits of serving customers with an adapted product may outweigh the benefit of a standardized product5. The value chain will allow Sharp to perform distinctive, speedy and efficient R using open innovations and cooperation with partners to gain expertise in fields of technology that are new to Sharp8. However, while operating in foreign markets it should protect its intellectual property and industrial properties through various mediums of patent, trademarks and copyrights. Sharps previous model make in Japan, sell overseas has not been successful recently because the market has changed dramatically. Its operating model had not historically emphasized co-operations with other firms. With increased mobility in ngineering talent and technology transfer, companies from new emerging markets has made its previous business model obsolete. If Sharp wanted to remain as an industry leader it had to change its operation model to suit the Globalization environment. Integration with the international value chain to provide production technologies and manufacturing capabilities beyond national borders would allow Sharp to mitigate expensive legal risks, political risks, shipment cost, infrastructure cost (home/abroad) and foreign exchange fluctuations. It also opens an opportunity to new markets for Sharp as current markets gets saturated. While adapting to a new operating model, Sharp should always consider the risks implications such as global market trends, business partners, intellectual property rights, litigations, and technological innovations which may have significant effect on the financial statements. SHARP Corp. (2009) Opening New Frontier Annual Report, Consolidated Statement of Operations (p. 44) 2 SHARP Corp. (2009) Opening New Frontier Annual Report, Financial summary (p. 36) 3 SHARP Corp. (2009) Opening New Frontier Annual Report, New Business Model (p. 8) 4 SHARP corp. (2009) opening New Frontier Annual Report, Introducing a New Business Model (p. ) 5 John, J. W, Kenneth. L. W, (2012). International Business: The challenges of Globalization, Sixth Edition. Pearson Hall 6 Lehmberg, D. (2011). Sharp Corporation: Beyond Japan. Richard Ivey School of Business Exhibit 1: Various Equipment type sales in 2009 for Sharp Corporation Equipment type Audio Visual/ Communication 2 Health/Environmental Informatio n 4 LCDS Solar cells 6 Other Electronic Devices Exhibit 2: International Sales Vs Domestic Sales for SharpCorporation Exhibit 3: Foreign Exchange US $ vs Japanese (2007 2009) Exhibit 4: Sales by Region, Sharp Corporation Exhibit 5: Sharp Corporation (2009) Annual Report
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